Max and Moritz Kressbronn

Max and Moritz Kressbronn

Max und Moritz KressbronnFRAMEWORKX-PROJECT AT LAKE CONSTANCE MAGNIFICENT LAKE AND MOUNTAIN VIEW FROM THE PANORAMIC BEER GARDEN The Max & Moritz is a family-friendly establishment located high above Kressbronn with a magnificent lake and mountain view amidst the...
Rheinlounge Wiesbaden

Rheinlounge Wiesbaden

RESTAURANT-TERRACE WITH FRAMEWORKX XT2FRAMEWORKX-PROJECT OF THE RHEIN GREAT VIEW OF THE RHEINLOUNGE The Rheinlounge in Wiesbaden offers top-class gastronomy. Not only delicious food and drinks contribute to this. In addition, the Rheinlounge offers a very special...
School at SteinPark Freising

School at SteinPark Freising

SAFE VIEW OF THE SURROUNDING GREENERYWINDOW SAFETY: FRAMEWORKX XT3 – Contained all around Financially speaking, the new primary and middle school at the SteinPark site is the largest building construction project in Freising’s history. From September 2022, a total of...